Friday, 26 December 2008

On Christmas day we waited for the call to say that Steve would be allowed home to be with Pauline and the family at his own home. The family had gathered at Pauline and Steve's house and I got the call from Pauline to go and get Steve at PM. Pauline was already with Steve and had got him ready to come home. When I arrived Pauline brought Steve out to the car in his wheel chair. They had both practised getting Steve from his wheel chair and into a car and I had tried out our cars to see which one was suitable to get Steve into and home. Pauline and I assisted Steve to get from his chair and into the car. This had to be done slowly and Steve gritted his teeth and got on with transfer. Once in I buckled him in and then took him the short distance to his house. When we arrived Steve looked out of the car window and said it was great to able to see his house again and he said he felt good being home.

The family all came out to greet him. Pauline and I got him from the car and into his wheelchair. I wheeled him into the house and as you can imagine it was an emotional time for his mum, Pauline, Pauline's mum, his sister and everyone else in the house. When Steve was inside his sisiter Sharon started everyone cheering and clapping him and he was hugged by his mum and all the girls. To see that smile on his face made everyone's Christmas complete and Steve thanked everyone for being there for him and said how great the house looked and how good it felt being back inside it. He told me that he knew he was very lucky to be there and was very thankful for that. I told him that neither I nor any of his family had ever doubted he would one day come back through his front door and that his next goal should be to walk in to his house.
We had a great day and evening. Steve had a brilliant time. More family members came round in the evening. He had a number of phone calls from family who couldn't be there and I got a number of very nice text messages from friends both inside and outside of the Fire Service to wish him well and to ask if he had got home, all of which I showed to Steve.

Steve sat and spoke to his mum and said some very nice and comforting things to her. he reassured her everything was going to be alright. Steve spoke to everyone to say what a great time he was having. During the evening Pauline got us to get Steve up and let him have a walk around his dining room and kitchen. That was to walk off some of his mums apple pie because he had eaten most of it during the day.

When the day came to an end everyone hugged and spoke to Steve saying how well he had done and what a fantastic guy he was and now he had been home he could come home again soon. Steve really wants to and this has definitely spurred him on in his recovery.

Pauline and I got him back to the hospital and Pauline took him back to his room. Later Pauline's mum Breda texted me to say Steve had insisted on walking around the hospital ward before he got into bed and that following this walk around he was resting after having a wonderful day.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Steve when we saw him last night was a little tired from the physio and dressing change he had during the day. He said he was ok but was still a little exhausted from the days activities. We chatted to Steve about family things and we got him laughing. I promised to take him a Big Mac meal with a large Coke on the 24th which is his birthday. I said I thought I'd treat him and push the boat out a bit. So he now has something to look forward to!

We are now waiting to see if the Medical Staff at the Hospital are happy enough with Steve to be able to let him out for a while on the 25th. Pauline will let us know as soon as she knows. It's looking good so far but we'll have to wait probably until the day to find out for definite.
We stayed with Steve for about two hours and he thanked us for coming to see him. The next time we see Steve will be on his birthday. I will update the blog after Christmas Day. So on behalf of Steve, Pauline and our families we would like to wish everyone a peaceful,healthy and happy Christmas.

Gary Dewar. Steve's Brother in Law.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Steve has been visited over the last several days by family and friends. All have them have said how well Steve is doing on his road to recovery. When we go and see him now we always have him up and walking around the area outside of his room. His strength is slowly returning and his walking is not as it sounds but more of a shuffle along. Nonetheless Steve is getting up regularly from his hospital bed and moving them legs of his so it big steps for him which brings him nearer to his goal of getting home to Pauline.

Christmas as we all know is fast approaching. Steve's family are hoping and praying that our Steve can be home for this special day if only for a few hours. It would be such a massive achievement for Steve and a big boost for our families if the big fella could be sat in his own dining room for Christmas dinner with Pauline and the family. Lets hope the good Lord is looking down on him one more time and gives him that chance. If for any reason he cannot get home then we are all at the hospital for the day. There's no way I am going to let Steve be alone on Christmas day. Steve has another special day coming up. His birthday is on the 24th December. Pauline and the family will be with him on this day to celebrate and raise a can of Guinness with him and perhaps eat one of his mince pies (if he lets us!!).

Steve has such determination to get himself well it is truly inspirational to see and be apart of. Anyone who has seen him would support me I'm sure in saying that. He asks continually to do physio and is always looking forward rather than dwelling on the past. He enjoys all the visits he gets especially from his Mum, Pauline and his sister Sharon. When we get together there is more laughter and banter now and the good visit are outweighing the ones that are not to good.

Steve's skin grafts and burns are continuing to heal. He is still having some problems with the burns on the top of his legs at the rear. These burned areas are healing but are taking there time. His ankle is moving a little more now which is a good sign and he is having further physio on the arm where he damaged his elbow during the incident on the 23/06. He regularly returns to Wythenshawe Hospital to be checked over by the Burns Centre Staff and other specialist medical people.

Steve is moving forward. He is still not well and must continue to work hard to get himself to that place where he no longer needs help. That unfortunately is sometime off but given the type of man he is then he will get there and stand proud at the end of it. Both Steve and Pauline want me to say a heart felt thank you to White Watch S16. I took a get well card and a gift to Steve from the Fire fighters and Officers there. Steve and Pauline were overwhelmed once again by the generosity of people in the service and when Steve read the card he commented on how great it was that people some of them who didn't even know him were so thoughtful and kind in supporting him. This only inspires him more to get better, and I know I have said it in the past but I really do believe we are all helping big Steve to get better. So thank you to everyone for Steve's continued support through cards, Text messages, the just giving site and asking the family about him when you see us.

I will be seeing him again in the next few days. I'll send another update following this visit.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Tonight I went to see Steve along with Pauline. Steve also had another visitor who had offered early in Steve treatment to come and see him. Jim S is a firefighter who had been badly burned a number of years ago. Steve, Pauline and I sat and listened while Jim took us all through what he had to do and go through during his recovery. Steve asked many questions as Jim spoke of experiences whilst getting better and was very interested to hear how Jim coped with it all. Jim showed Steve and Pauline the burned areas on his legs and arms to give Steve an idea of how the skin grafts would heal. He talked of his physio sessions and the work he had to put into these sessions to build his strength and confidence. Jim gave a frank and honest account of what he went through on his own road to recovery which took over two years.

Our Steve now knows it will not be a quick fix for him getting better and he has a good while to go on his road to recovery. This was an excellent meeting with Jim for all of us but especially Steve. he had some one he could relate to with everything he has had to go through so far and we feel it has strengthened his resolve to keep fighting to get himself better. Jim if you are reading this thank you for your time and your calm positive attitude when telling Steve his life will continue to get better and his recovery will go from strength to strength, and that he should never give up.

We were joined during the visit by a member of the hospital staff. We discussed Steve's ongoing program of recovery and what he required in the short to mid term future. We agreed that the amount of physio he is currently having is sufficient and manageable by Steve. We did discuss about Steve having more physio sessions during the week but Steve and Pauline decided after talking to the hospital staff member that the current regime of three times a week was enough at this time. The Physio has given Steve exercises which visitors when they go to see him can help him with if Steve wants them to. We also spoke about Jubilee house therapy centre. Steve will be visiting Jubilee house sometime in the New Year and Chorley Hospital will be contacting the Fire Fighters Charity to liaise on these visits. The staff at Chorley Hospital have Steve's recovery plan well in hand are doing a great job.

At the end of my visit with Steve. I sat in his room for a short while with both him and Pauline. We discussed what Jim and the member of hospital staff had said and agreed that what they had said was all good and was the path Steve should follow at this time. Steve found the visit very beneficial and is already setting himself short term goals to prove to himself he his getting better. I left them both to have a drink of Guinness (Steve's fav tipple), share a packet of crisps and have some personal time with each other.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Steve has now been moved across to Chorley Hospital. This is to further Steve's recovery and the move allows him to be much nearer home which makes visiting by Pauline his Fiancee a lot more manageable. Steve was sorry to move from The Burns Centre at Wythenshawe Hospital. The Staff at the Burns Centre and Steve developed a special bond. They were instrumental in saving his life and putting him on his road to recovery. Steve will never forget what everyone did for him at the Burns centre and he cannot thank them enough. He has not completely left the Wythenshawe Hospital. He will have to return as an outpatient on a regular basis for further consultations and treatments for a good while to come.

Steve is now receiving excellent care at Chorley Hospital the Staff are really looking after Steve well. Whilst he is a patient there he will be receiving more physio to enhance his recovery.
Steve's sister Sharon and I visited Steve today (7/12). Steve was sat in his wheel chair reading his newspaper when we arrived. Steve has had more exercise by walking around where he is with the help of people. Whilst we were there today we took Steve out in his wheel chair for a look around the grounds of the Hospital and to give him some cold crisp Lancashire air. He enjoyed the trip out and thanked us for taking him.

Steve was in good spirits today and feeling well. His burns continue to heal and he is getting stronger in both body and mind. Steve is remaining positive and has said he is looking forward to the future when he is well enough to leave Hospital and be at home again with Pauline. We had a great visit with him and he thanked us for coming to see him and for everything we had done for him.

At the end of the visit we said our goodbyes and left Steve to have his evening meal. Later on tonight he is having a visit from Pauline.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Steve is making good progress with his recovery. He was in good spirits tonight when we saw him. He is able to move his fingers more now and the swelling on the left hand has gone quite a bit. The grafts are still healing well on his arms and legs but his grafts at the top of his legs are taking their time to settle down and are still giving Steve some pain. Overall though he is healing well.

The physio as always is continuing at a pace and Steve is having to do various exercises which do tire him out. He is pleased that he is starting to gain more movement in his right ankle and can now move his toes on his right foot a little more. These are all big positive signs of his continuing recovery.

Steve spent time with his mum tonight as it is her birthday. They reminisced and joked about things that had happened in the past and spoke about how well he is doing now. His mum had a wonderful visit with her son and it really made her birthday special to have that time with him.
Steve is seeing the Doctor tomorrow to discuss his progress up to now and to look at the treatment he will need in the immediate future.
I spoke to Steve tonight about the Trafford Centre rowing event which is being held tomorrow. He asked me to wish everyone well and to say thanks for everyone's support. He also asked me to pass on his best wishes to a mate off his watch called Davy who is having a retirement do on the 5/12.

Gary - Steve's Brother in Law.