Pauline and Steve have been at the Fire Services Therapy Centre for a week now. During the last week Steve has followed an intensive program of physiotherapy and exercise. He has been into the pool there and undergone Hydrotherapy treatment. Along the way Pauline has been his training partner and has helped him along with the Staff at the centre with all his exercises and therapies. Steve's days are long but he has the chance to rest and recover in the evenings. Pauline has told us that Steve as usual is putting his all into the various treatments he his having, but we would expect anything else would we.
Both Pauline and Steve have kept in contact with the family and kept us up to date with all that has been going on at Jubilee House. The staff at the Centre have been working on Steve's overall mobility and well being. The nursing staff have been looking after his skin graft and have been helping Pauline with the treatments which Steve's skin needs to have applied on a regular basis.
Both Pauline and Steve have so far really enjoyed the stay at Jubilee. Its certainly no holiday camp and the Staff expect Steve to apply himself fully in all aspects of his exercise program. Both of them have told us that the Centre Staff are absolutely fantastic. They both feel they have been treated really well and Steve has made many new friends not just with the Centre Staff but with the other fire fighters who are up at Jubilee House like him having treatment.
Pauline has asked me to pass on a big thank you to everyone who has donated to the Fire Fighters Charity. The facilities and staff at the Therapy Centre are second to none. All the donations that go to keeping the Therapy Centre available are well used and have been of great benefit to people who need care like our Steve.
I will be joining Steve up at the Therapy Centre on the 25th April for one week and taking over from our Pauline as his carer/training partner. I am really looking forward to the week and I hope I can keep up with Steve when he's exercising. I'll up date the blog with information about how the big fella and me are doing up there.