Wednesday saw Steve Pauline Sharon and myself travelling down to London for the Spirit of Fire Awards being held at Wembley Arena. We left Manchester Piccadilly train station at 16:55 and arrived at Euston Train Station at 18:10. We then took a taxi to the Wembley Plaza Hotel.
On arrival Steve was feeling tired from the journey down so we went to our rooms to get a good rest before the day and night activities on Thursday.
Thursday saw the rest of the party arriving from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service including members from Bolton Fire Station, Bolton Borough, Fire Authority Members and the Deputy Chief Fire Officer.

At 13:30 The
nominees their families and invited guests all travelled to 10 Downing Street to meet the Prime Minister.Steve put his undress uniform on for the first time since the incident last June to meet the Prime Minister. Steve told us how proud he felt when he saw himself in the mirror, and he thought that once again he was a Fire Fighter. Also at No 10 on our arrival was the Footballer David Ginola. We were shown into the staterooms at No 10 and the nominees including our Steve and FF Alex Sugden were taken through to meet with Mr Brown and have their picture taken with him. We all enjoyed the experience with the PM and he addressed the group as a whole with words of praise for the nominees and the Fire Fighters as a whole. Steve and Pauline had a nice chat with David Ginola and David was full of praise for Steve and all firefighters generally. We obviously took lots of pictures outside No10 to keep as mementoes of our trip to Downing Street.
We then made our way back to the hotel at Wembley to prepare for the awards evening being held in the Bobby Moore suite at the Arena. This evening commenced at 19:30 and was a reception then Dinner followed by the presenting of the awards to the nominees. The Fire fighters Charity events Team did an excellent job to ensure the night ran smoothly. The event was attended by a number of Celebs including Bruce Forsyth, Tony Hadley, Carol McGiffen and David Ginola to name but a few. All these people were presenting the awards in each catergory. During the evening Steve was asked who if any one would he want to have presenting him an award if he was fortunate to be awarded one. Steve said straight away Simon Weston who I know is one of Steve's own inspirational Heroes.

When it came to the Beneficiary of Courage award in which Steve had been nominated it was a great surprise for all of us but mostly Steve when Simon Weston came onto the stage with Jane Moore from the Sun newspaper to present the award. As Simon and Jane read out all the worthy nominees a silence came across the audience as they got to the part where the winner was to be announced. All of us held our breaths in anticipation that our Steves name was going to come out of the envelope.
Has Simon read out the name of the winner the two tables occupied by Manchester Fire went up in uproar and cheers as Steve's name was on the card. Steve got up from his wheel chair and then he made his way slowly towards the stage. Everyone in the audience gave him a standing ovation as he walked through them. Carl Haslam and I then helped Steve up onto the stage to receive his award. On the stage Simon and Steve embraced for a moment and it was emotional to see two amazing yet ordinary Guys congratulating each other. Steve had his picture taken on the stage after receiving his award with Jane and Simon. Carl and I then helped him off the stage. At the bottom of the steps he again received a standing ovation and he was met by Pauline who gave him a huge hug and a kiss this was followed by another large hug from his sister Shaz.
Steve made his way back to the table and was greeted by the people on the Manchester Fire tables. He was cheered to his wheel chair with lots of handshakes and back slaps. After sitting back down Steve Pauline Shaz and I then went up to the Green room to meet again Simon and Jane and the other celebs who were up there. Steve had more pictures taken and then spent some time taking to Simon Weston about his recovery and Simon wanted to know all about Steve's incident and how Steve was progressing with his recovery. All the family got to meet Simon and Jane and a number of other celebs which made the experience all that more special. All of them wanted to meet Steve and Bruce Forsyth wanted to shake his hand. From the start of the evening Steve had many people over at his table wanting to meet him and give him their best wishes and The night continued until Steve was feeling tired and suggested that his bed was calling.
When we left the event Pauline suggested we should call a family meeting in the bar back at the hotel. This we did and celebrated Steve's success as a family. We toasted Steve with a Baileys each and he said he was really pleased with receiving the award and that he was pleased that we and the guy's from Manchester Fire were there with him.Then he went up to bed for a well earned rest.
Next day following a full English Breakfast we made our way back up to God's Country from the smoke. Even at Breakfast Steve had people coming over and congratulating him on receiving his award and to wish him all the best for his continued recovery. He felt quite humbled by the attention he had received but was very thankful for everyone's kind comments.
We want to thank the Fire Fighters Charity for their kindness and support whilst at the event and for organising the event. Jo and the Event Team did a fantastic Job. Thanks to everyone who came down from Manchester it was fantastic to be amongst you at such a prestigious event, Thanks to all the celebs who were there giving their time to support the event and coming over to see Steve and the other nominees. A big thank you to Simon Weston for taking time to chat with Steve and inspire him on the greater things. Thanks to everyone from Manchester Fire who supported Steve in his nomination.
The award which is glass and in the shape of a flame with the details engraved on it is now sat in pride of place along with the Tower FM Bolton Radio awards in Steve and Pauline's rear living room over looking their garden.