Wednesday, 29 July 2009

The procedure has now been carried out to remove the cage and clamp which was attached to Steve's bones in his upper and lower left arm around his elbow area. Steve is very pleased to see this surgical equipment moved from his arm. The weight of it and the cumbersome shape was causing him a number of problems and have been throughout this cage being fixed to his arm. He now has to undergo some intense physio in the elbow area to get the left arm back mobile and hopefully increase its movement still further. Wearing the cage has given Steve a greater degree of movement but Steve being Steve wants gold standard in its movement and will continue to work hard to get it.
Steve's walking his continuing to improve and his leg strength is getting better. He is walking farther now and his well on his way to recovery. Steve's ankle still prevents him from walking perfectly but again he won't give up trying to make his ankle function as it should.
Overall Steve is still making good progress along the road to recovery. later this year but possibly early next year he will be having his hands looked at with a view to improving their mobility and function.
Steve over recent times has had a couple of set backs but he has kept focused and pushed on with getting fitter, stronger and this has allowed him to be the one supporting his close family. This again shows the mark of the man he is.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Steve is continuing with his day to day recovery and he his working hard on his physio sessions and during his visits to Wythenshawe Hospital. He has now had the final operation on his left elbow and is currently waiting for the date when the metal frame which is attached through into his bone can be removed and he can then start to use his arm again. This will hopefully lead to the opportunity in some months time for the Hand Specialist to start to work on his hands. This will involve more surgery but will in the long term benefit Steve. He is continuing to wear his pressure garments and his grafts are still healing well on his upper and lower body. Pauline and Steve are hoping to have a return visit to Jubilee House Therapy Centre in the next few months which will be very beneficial to both of them as it was at their last visit.
Last week Steve and I spent an afternoon with Amir Khan and his Team at Amir's Gym. Amir and Asif who is Amir's manager very kindly invited Steve to come to the gym to watch Amir prepare for his World title fight on the 18/7/09. The visit was arranged by Steve's friend and fellow Fire fighter Alex Sugden who was also there with Steve to watch Amir train. Steve had a fantastic afternoon and we got some personal time with Amir and we also got to meet the legendary Freddie Roach Amir's trainer. Steve is still talking about the visit now and how much he enjoyed it and how much of a privilege it was to meet Amir, Freddie and Asif.
Unfortunately Steve positive attitude to all that is well in his life at the moment took a knock this last week when he heard of the tragic death of a Scottish Fire fighter and the injury to his Breathing Apparatus partner. Steve like every other Fire fighter received this news with tremendous sadness for the two fire fighters and their families and friends. Steve spoke of the Fire Service family and how he knows that the Fire fighters in Scotland and Country wide will come together to support all those who will need a great deal of support over the coming months and years. We as a family will be sending our personal condolences up to Scotland and our brother Fire fighters in Scotland, their families and friends are very much in our thoughts.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Steve has now had his last surgery on his left elbow. Early indications are that he has obtained more extension of the arm although he has not been able to gain full extension through the surgery and will continue to have physio on the elbow area with a view to gaining more mobility and better use of his left arm. Steve has been told that the brace currently attached through his skin into the bone of his arm either side of the elbow should be removed over the next two weeks. This is a bonus for Steve has he thought he may have to have had it fitted for another 8 to 10 weeks. He continues to attend Wythenshawe Hospital out reach clinic and is still receiving excellent treatment from all the health care staff there. Steve has had further hearing tests and is going to have fitted in the near future a second hearing aid in his right ear. This will further improve Steve’s quality of life and allow him to have a greater hearing range. He has recently had further treatments on what remains of his fingers on his right hand. The skin grafts in these areas have needed to be treated further due to slight cracking of the skin and his hand is currently bandaged to keep infections out and promote recovery in this area. Steve is currently waiting for information to come back from recent tests he had carried to investigate the stiffness in his right foot and ankle area. Steve is walking so much better now and is stronger in his legs but he is still experiencing problems in the mobility of the ankle and foot.

On Saturday evening Steve along with Pauline, Sharon his sister and I attended the Battle of the Badges boxing tournament held at the Reebok Stadium. Accompanying Steve at his ring side table were close friends from outside of the Fire Service family. What a fantastic night it was for both the spectators and the boxers. Steve being an ex boxer and who still has a keen interest in the noble art thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. During the evening Steve kept us informed about the rules and regulations when we thought the Fire Lads and Girls who were boxing should have won and pointed out why on a number of fights the police boxers pipped us on points for the win. Steve told us he had great admiration for all the boxers. He knows what it takes to climb into a ring to fight someone you don’t have any arguments with for the entertainment of other people. Steve also told me and other people that people say to him he is an inspiration to them in his quest to recover from his terrible injuries. On Saturday night Steve told us that those Boxers both Fire and Police climbing into that ring and fighting for a good cause have given him inspiration to fight on with his own recovery. He has been a little down over recent times with all that has been going on and being part of that spectacle on Saturday night has raised his chin and given him more reasons to carry on. Steve also got to meet one of the legends of Boxing Amir Khan. Steve was thrilled and very surprised that Amir came over to him and presented him with a number of gifts which will have pride of place in Pauline and Steve’s house. Steve wanted me to say well done to all the Fire fighters who took part in the ring they all did themselves and our job proud and can hold their heads high. He only wished he could have climbed in the ring to do his bit. He hopes that this will be an annual event and has said lets get the Ambulance Service involved. May be you never know.