The procedure has now been carried out to remove the cage and clamp which was attached to Steve's bones in his upper and lower left arm around his elbow area. Steve is very pleased to see this surgical equipment moved from his arm. The weight of it and the cumbersome shape was causing him a number of problems and have been throughout this cage being fixed to his arm. He now has to undergo some intense physio in the elbow area to get the left arm back mobile and hopefully increase its movement still further. Wearing the cage has given Steve a greater degree of movement but Steve being Steve wants gold standard in its movement and will continue to work hard to get it.
Steve's walking his continuing to improve and his leg strength is getting better. He is walking farther now and his well on his way to recovery. Steve's ankle still prevents him from walking perfectly but again he won't give up trying to make his ankle function as it should.
Overall Steve is still making good progress along the road to recovery. later this year but possibly early next year he will be having his hands looked at with a view to improving their mobility and function.
Steve over recent times has had a couple of set backs but he has kept focused and pushed on with getting fitter, stronger and this has allowed him to be the one supporting his close family. This again shows the mark of the man he is.