Sunday, 25 October 2009
Friday, 9 October 2009
The visits to Wythenshawe Hospital continue for Steve. He has recently been to see the Hand Specialist and discussed what the future holds for further surgeries to both his hands. The skin grafts continue to heal and Steve continues to work on maintaining some mobility of what remains of his fingers and thumbs. The longer term future will see Steve undergoing surgery to his thumbs to have extensions put on them to allow him to grip better between his thumbs and first fingers. This surgery will be some time off yet as Steve still has to gain more mobility in his left arm. This is to do with straightening the arm rather than bending it towards his body. The arm has straightened more but he still needs to do more on this area to allow for the surgery on his left hand to take place.
Steve’s mobility on his legs is still improving he his steadier now on his feet despite difficulty with his right ankle and foot he can walk around without to much support. Although he still finds it painful and difficult to walk even short distances when he is wearing no shoes.
He continues with the physio which involves a lot of intense stretching of his left arm and manipulation of the left wrist and he is still using his step machine and other mobility equipment he has in the house for work on his lower body, and as I always say he his still pushing on with his recovery.